7805 McKnight Road Pittsburgh, PA
Repurposed Mission
Our unique Repurposed thrift store supports Living in Liberty, a nonprofit organization dedicated to combating human trafficking in Southwestern, PA. Our store, Repurposed for the Thrifty Shopper in You, is located on McKnight Rd. and boasts two stories of gently used housewares, furniture, books, clothing, and more; this store also hosts our Sozo Boutique, a fair trade shop filled with items made by survivors of trafficking worldwide.
The Repurposed store's five fold mission are:
1. Funding for Living in Liberty- Provides critical financial support to sustain the rest of our work as an organization.
2. Raises Awareness about human trafficking globally and in Pittsburgh.
3. Provides clothing and housewares to the women we serve in outreach and the safe home.
4. Job Training- Repurposed provides a safe place for our clients' to gain employment skills and training.
5. Supporting other organizations that do similar work through the Sozo Boutique.

Learn more about human trafficking
Donations to the store may also be distributed by Living in Liberty’s street outreach team, or may help to provide our safe home residents with necessities when they come to live with us or are ready to be established on their own.
Additionally, safe home residents also have the opportunity to gain valuable job skills and professional training by working at the stores during their time with us, and may continue to find employment at one of our Repurposed stores after they complete their program at the home.
To learn more about what Living in Liberty does and its mission to combat human trafficking,
click here to visit the Living in Liberty website!
Truck route
If you have larger items you would like us to pick up for you, please fill out the Truck Route request form here.
Call 724-799-1163 or email truck@livinginliberty.org for more information